
Trading Cattle Carbon Credit Starts at CES 2023! BY MELLIENS JANUARY 4, 2023


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There is a Company coping with the global climate crisis and declaring a bold vision and technology of carbon neutrality in the livestock sector. Melliens Inc's Livestock Carbon Monitoring & Carbon Credit Sharing Platform enables beef producers to generate and sell carbon credits for practicing less carbon intensive agriculture than the current industry standard.

Caption: Melliens has developed the world first cowcarbon platform using biometric information.
"The Cow Carbon platform reliably generates carbon credits based upon inputs. We are proud to present a technology promoting a cleaner environment and healthier earth" said Dr. Lee Hakkyo, Melliens Founder and Professor of Joenbuk National University.

To move towards a net-zero future, science-based, sustainable, and innovative action needs to be taken. Melliens is the first Climate technology company to monitor the carbon footprints of beef cattle and trade accumulated carbon credits in carbon markets.

Our home planet earth is at risk. The agricultural sector accounts for 24% of Global GHG emissions. Cattle GHG emissions are the most pressing agricultural emissions issue, at 10% in 2020, and could comprise 40% of agricultural emissions by 2050 if sector emissions are not reduced.

Carbon footprint is difficult to measure for beef products as biological variation in individual cattle, insufficient data, inaccurate data, falsifiable data, and high cost to measure, make individualized beef GHG emissions infeasible.

In order to solve this problem, Melliens has developed the cowcarbon platform. This platform service quantifies and verifies the reduced carbon emissions, thus generating carbon credits in real-time. Anyone can purchase carbon credits and profits are shared with beef suppliers.

Venture capital has responded accordingly; Salim Dada, Managing Director and CEO at Concord Ventures noted: "Melliens is building a connection between beef farmers and the tech world to share benefits by trading accumulated carbon credits in voluntary carbon markets"

Melliens encourages carbon credits buyers to join in saving the earth. Tokenizing carbon credits has an important role to induce the participation of the general public, consumers, and companies in profit-sharing with livestock farmers. It creates a tradable commodity, and a transparent market accessible to anyone. The first tokenized cowcarbon is launching soon.

Melliens is committed to continually reducing the beef carbon footprint to 50% of world average by 2030 and building a healthy beef industry ecosystem through science, open innovation, and easy access to blockchain-based rewards through its financing system
